Getting it right first time - A guide to offshoring customer service for Energy retailers

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Recent announcements by the UK energy regulator have meant that energy retailers have to look at their customer service provision.  Requirements for extended hours and 24/7 support for off-supply customers will pose a challenge for small and medium suppliers - who have to strike a fine balance between delivering the right levels of customer service with remaining profitable.

Offshoring customer services can bring many benefits, including cost efficiencies, but often companies are worried about the complexity involved in getting the process right.  And with many well documented failures around offshoring, it's vital that the right plans are put in place.

Energy Suppliers need to consider all the available options right now, including looking to see whether offshoring part or all of their customer service functionality can help them to deliver the high levels of service they need to comply with the regulator's expecations, whilst staying within the budgets they have already allocated.

Our latest guide aims to help you take the first steps to offshoring - making sure you get it right first time!


Getting it right first time - A guide to offshoring customer service for Energy retailers




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